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What is industrialization?
Industrialization is the fundamental and gradual changes occurs within a country – Tanzania and involves several sectors such as: industries, agriculture, infrastructures and communication networks, personality’s development, health services, as well as social transformations.
Eradication means to destroy or to get rid of something completely. Poverty eradication means to get rid poverty completely in Tanzania.
Alleviation is the process of weakening something, to make something less severe. Therefore poverty alleviation means to reduce poverty in Tanzania. Therefore industrialization in Tanzania will reduce poverty and it is possible in Tanzania
Agencies of industrialization in Tanzania
There are several agencies of industrialization ranging from individuals, national and international wades as listed below!
1.      Public sectors
2.      Private sectors
Public sectors made up by several organs namely: The government itself, governmental institutions, Radios, TVs, and public schools, colleges and universities, institutions like TANESCO, NEMC, LVB, TFA, TBS,etc. . All these are located into several ministries operating in the government under the national constitution of Tanzania
The private sectors includes: the private schools,(colleges, and universities),  mass medias like radios, TVs, Forums, NGOs, Factories, Companies, Individual initiatives – those who can initiates several profits and nonprofit organizations.
NOTE: Private sector involves both internal (within our country or external – external investments)

 The following are some roles of each agency in poverty alleviation in Tanzania as shown below
The government itself
 The government divided into several sectors such as industrial and investment sector,  the ministry of Transports and infrastructure,  the ministry of mass communication culture, and  sports, Agricultures, Educational technology and vocational training, Water, security.  The government monitors all activities within the country under several listed above ministries
Educational institutions
These includes schools, colleges, and universities) ventures both private and public sectors. They alleviate poverty in Tanzania through several ways such as: Training experts who supervises production tasks and increase productivity, planners, administrators, leaders, create awareness and directing graduates where resources allocated and how to manipulates, social transformations and cultural changes for sustainable developments, reduction of illiteracy and enforcing hard working lastly integrating global societies in innovative schools or ideals which latter on faster industrialization and reduce poverty to the Tanzania. Therefore gradual changes positively in educational institutions will reduce poverty in Tanzania at a greater scale
Mass Media, culture, and sports aspects
These also involve both public and private sectors; however all share contributions toward poverty alleviation and eradication in Tanzania through: Spreading information and updating citizens, employment creations to graduates, fostering diffusions of knowledge (many people are poor because of insufficient information about their resources surrounding them and failure to know who and how to extract such resources so as to reduces poverty) cultural and traditional transformation such as bad cultural practices like FGM, and Laziness are reduced, all genders are empowered thorough several forums publications, TVs, Radio periods, Social networks, and networks based information. Mass media links the global into one person hand – knowing global opportunities and its issues wherever you. Therefore mass Medias through its activities fostering industrialization and poverty reduction if not reductions
On the other hand; fundamental changes in cultural matters , ports and games faster industrialization and weaken poverty by creations of employments, raising talents, paying taxes, self employments, enhancing patriotic of the citizens, stabilizing health (physical and psychological fitness,  and working disciplines. all these reduce poverty in Tanzania

Security sector
The roles of this sector are to ensure peace harmonies within the country. Stable security make producers and investors more conformable such that no fear of being attacked and therefore increase efficiency – quality of services, effectiveness and reduce crimes. Inventing, creating modern tools and methodologies or modification that we have (industrializing) will cements the factors mentioned above and fostering alleviation of poverty in Tanzania
Transportation and Transportation sectors
These encompass all means transports and transportation tools. They include both: land, air, and water.  The first and foremost function of infrastructures to ward industrialization and reduction of poverty includes: quick transportation or goods and raw materials to the markets, as well as to the production area; Transferring personnel to the production, offices and greater enough introduce products into global market.  In that case transport pay taxes, create employments to Tanzanian, socializations, it stimulate industrial growth (tourism industrial, agricultural industrial, Health, and Trade) Improvement in transport sector triggering social changes and alleviates poverty in Tanzania
Industries and investments sectors
This involves investments industries. It creates incomes by paying taxes to the government which later on invested in several sectors of productions and hence industrializations; this improves life of the people, stimulates innovations, agricultures as people are ensured where to sell and purchase their needs. Examples of industries in Tanzania are food processes sing industries like BAHRESA, Tea Industries, Kilombero sugar industries, Kagera can industrial, Mwatex, Jambo, Iron and aluminums industries, Cement – Dangote industries, Fish industries – VIC fish in Mwanza, etc. All these alleviate poverty in Tanzania
Agriculture, fishing, and livestock keeping animals
Gradual changes in this field path through farming, fishing, and animal husbandly; the increases of production in this sector reduce poverty and stimulates other sectors to ward national development. Invention of new technologies, methods and approaches drives better life to the people and improves the quality of services provided. More than 70% of Tanzania is employed in this field and therefore their life depends on this. Industrialization in this sector will increase farming productivities, fishing stocks – refrigerator systems, Modern animal keeping techniques – commercial centered animal keeping instead of primitive ones. It involves the bio technologies in irrigation and large commercial productions such as Tanga estates, Mtibwa sugarcane plantation, Tea farms, and cotton and Oil palm in Singida, etc.  All these will add values to the products and Tanzanians earn money (global markets) lastly reduces poverty. Therefore industrialization reduce poverty in Tanzania
Health sector
This involves gradual changes in health services (hospitals, and other health care in Tanzania) that is: innovations, modification and invention of medicines, technologies, theories, and methods of treating some disease. The roles of health sector in industrialization and poverty alleviation includes: To improve health to the people,  reduction of mortality and sustainable population growth – energetic incensement, reduction of diseases both communicable and non communicable diseases, reduce public expenditures as most people are secured few diseases instead the governments allocates funds into other sectors and enables to reduce poverty in Tanzania.
Individual initiatives
These involve all people who are willing to introduce new services (profits organization and nonprofit organizations). The increase of individuals with clear focus, vision and missions in Tanzania will reduce poverty. All inventions, innovations, creativities are the results of one’s courage’s and commitments and the results is to create, advices, shows, organizes, funding, and motivations of the communities toward their opportunities they have and making better life hood. I also involve establishments of NGOs, CBOs, (Macro & Micro levels institutions) which are aiming to benefit the society for long periods of time sustainably. They carry out workshops which aimed to turn communities into rights of opportunities, changing mind sets, flexibilities, shaping behaviors, and add values of people as well as add values to the services producing by the majorities. Finally triggering industrialization and poverty reduction in Tanzania
In order to win this poverty alleviation and eradication all the sectors should play their roles effectively with greater efficient! The education system – heart of the national should balance between formal and informal sectors (education institutions should emphasizes both formal and informal education through workshops because the realities does not relay in written documents only but it venture across informal and formal means. Search and Research should be given higher priories so that we can discover and invest more as well as improving the qualities of life. Such gradual changes will reduce poverty in Tanzania      




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