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A resource is anything (materials, human being, objects, and wild produces offered by the nature – naturally) that have got values to human being and other species. These resources might involve: wild vegetations, wild fauna, the land, water bodies, people, air, and the sky.
Natural Resources are those unmanned materials that is only offered by the natural environments; they includes: Continuous Natural Resources, Renewable Natural Resources, and Non Renewable Natural Resources like trees, air, gravitational force, minerals, land, water bodies, lights, and human resources
An integrated Natural Resources Management (INRM) is the process of involving the public, individual experts, organization,  Governmental organs , building capacity on planning, acting, monitoring, and evaluating the sustainable use of natural resources. The decision are made by all stake holders and actions done by all stake holders since are aware on it
Participation issues in Integrated Natural Resources Management (IRNM)
In order to guarantee excellent participations in natural resources managements from the communities in planning process one should consider the following suggestions
Information is a potential angle for insuring well flow of facts to the communities; the data provided should be enough described logic, realistic, specific, qualified authority and aiming to inform important information on natural resources management so as to integrate the community into natural resources managements. (Chrisant, 2017: 92) cemented that in order to spread information we should use Medias such as the TV, Radios, Magazines, Journals, and internet; but also now days social networks can aid greater in the process of integrating the mass into (IRNM). These medias of communication will widen the tourist dour and enrich the society while maintain sustainability of the resources
Consultation in integrating community participation in monitoring natural resources they must be a window of listen the feedbacks from the surrounding majorities because are one who utilizes the resources. There must experts to listen and take their facts into action. (Chrisant, 2017:93) consultation involves peoples from all angles of life such as local communities – rural dwellers, religious leaders, political leaders, elders, youth, men and women, individual experts and researchers, Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs),and cross border ones who contribute great in INRM. The most chances granted near crucial parks and reserves such that those found along wild animal games reserves, like Ngorongoro, Gombe National park, Katavi, Serengeti, Mahare, Manyara, Selous at morogoro streams
Deciding to gather (Chrisant, 2017:98) argued that in order to achieves the INRM the community should be involving in making decision and drawing conclusion to gather and formulating strategies to be considered about a particular resource for the benefits of the community. As the communities get into the forum to air facts on a particular resources and these INRM data will ensure greater coverage and access of data as well as forward implementation in regulating and watching for sustainable use of particular resources. The merits of these forums is intended to reduces frictions between natural resources officers and the communities, but also the community themselves such those fighting at Kilosa Morogoro, Masaai land, are mostly due to lack of involvements in decision making, and failure of the government to determine other alternatives among pastoralist and agriculturalist to run their business
Supporting independent community initiatives all protected areas are within the societies` sphere are part and parcels of community life. The majorities along protected areas should be supported in order to reduce poverty and minimize deteriorations of the natural resources officering by the nature. (Chrisant, 2017 p, 94) added that: ‘the individual initiatives should be involved through giving professional advises, helping them to get the wants while maintaining the resources because are the one who live within the nature and do their activities; for example those living at Mugaranza, Kagunga, Mungonya, Kiganza near gombe national park in Kigoma; near Mto wa mbu at manyara, Makao Mwahuzi Meatu game reserve, along Serengeti and Ngorongoroareas. Participatory will avoid over utilization, pollution and will secure proper usages of natural resources in Tanzania and throughout the world
Acting to gather this will ensure equal participation of all natural resources stake holders if the was planning to gather, deciding to gather, clear and logic information and supportiveness from the governments and officers in NGOs. (Chrisant, 2017 p, 94) highlighted that; the process involves the participations from local people in making decisions and drawing out professional ideas in management of natural resources and the natural environment itself. For example people at the town may decide to keep clear their streets and act to gather to watch for, taking action to anyone who will try to violet like those of Moshi  they punish wrong doers by 5000/ = for any who dusting their environments and now Dodoma under CDA they act the same
Importance of Integrated Natural Resource Management
According to (Chrisant, 2017 p, 95) the following are some importance of Integrated Natural Resource managements as outlined below
INRM helps managers and governments officers to plan and set out goals and priories in managing all resources available in relation to the received information from the stake holders
Enable prediction of general consumption trend, control, act, check and balance over all resources depends on the information from the communities
Integrated Natural Resources Management cultivate synergies and new efficient from all stake holders in managing and making sustainability use of resources in the country. Such energy created through building capacities to the community and feedbacks from the concerns in this field
Integrated Natural Resources Management held politicians to set priories and setting local sustainability toward the uses of natural resources. Politicians apply this approach to integrate the communities into natural recourses management through mobilizing the masses in all activities
This approach solve conflicts by involving commoners in decision forums and yield fundamental gains and ensuring sustainable uses of natural resources for next generations. For example the Masaai and Farmers quarrels at Kilosa Morogoro minimized by negotiations between the elders – commoners and the Vice president offices on the issues of arable and pasture lands
INRM creates friendships as well as Eco – Tourism among tourists and those living within the protected areas. This triggers continuation of wildlife’s species and at the same time the beings doing their jobs within the secured environments
Protected Area as cited in IUCN, by (Chrisant, 2017 p, 95) is refers as “an area of land specifically dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity and of natural and associated natural resources…” these areas are looked in different eyes from other areas and recognized by the laws in the national constitution approved by the government
Categories of protected areas
There are various categories of protected areas; however there six major categories of the protected area basing on primary purposes / management objectives / reasons / and rationale.
Category 1: Strict Nature protected Reserves
v  Strict Nature Reserves
v  Wilderness areas
v  Strict Nature protected Reserves
 This is an area of land containing unique species such as marine planktons, weeds, fishes, and all ecosystems and which is crucial for scientific researches. Basically for study of physical and Natural word; this area includes lakes, forests, oceans, zoos, and parks. For example Lake Saadani National Park contain ‘KASA – tortoise like structures. These species are rare and merit for scientific researches further examples are like those at Amani Nature Reserves, Eastern Arc mountain ( Ulugulu, East Usambara and Udzungwa)
Objectives of the managements
To preserve habitats, ecosystems, and species in more secured state for further generations and sustainable developments and cultural inheritances
To maintain ecological process, for example continuation of food chains, webs and ecological pyramids in a friendly environments
To secure examples of natural environments for scientific research as many organisms being useful in studies as specimens in laboratories, colleges and institutions
To limit unnecessary public access this aiming to avoid distortion by frequencies movements of people in and out the protected area and wild hunters
To ensure inheritances of the natural resources for next generations and to make sustainability use of limited resources for sustainable development
v  Wilderness protected area
According to Chrisant,(2017 p, 97) defined wilderness area as: “the large area of un modified or slightly modified land or sea retaining its natural characters and influences without permanent or significance human habitation which is protected and managed so as to protect its natural conditions”  normally wilderness area involves several hundred or thousand acres such as 1000, 3000, and may consist more than one region, national especially when extending at the margin of a states or region and districts
Category 2: National Parks
National Park refers to the natural area or a sea designed to protect an ecosystem of a particular region. The national parks consist several acres and are recognized under the national constitutionals Articles passed by the parliaments. Examples of national parks in Tanzania are Ngorongoro, Mikumi, Gombe, Mahale, Serengeti, and Katavi national parks.

National parks are designed to meet the following
1.      To protect ecological integrate of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations. This is to ensure that our next generation will saw the beautiful of the nature and benefit from within
2.      To avoid exploitation and occupation of richer ecological zones against human settlements
3.      To provide spiritual scientific research and education purpose. This aiming at maintaining natural materials and animals for researches both academically and spiritually – culturally compatible
4.      Maintain hydrological systems and process
Objectives of national parks according t (Chrisant, 2017 pp 97 / 98); national parks have the following objectives as outlined below
a.       To protect natural and scenic areas of national and international significances for spiritual scientific researches, educational researches. For example Gombe National Park, and Mahale are special for Chimpanzees researches- Jen Gödel stay at Gombe national parks for ecological and Chimpanzees researches, Rubondo for Butterflies researches, Seluos for species plants, and birds researches and other fauna. They aimed to pull tourists into the areas
b.       To provide ecological and biodiversity sustainability of a geographic region and sometimes act as national representation to outsiders. For example Kilimanjaro is only one around the world, Mikumi, Ngorongoro creater, Serengeti also represents the national to the out siders
c.       To avoid destruction from human activities such as agriculture, mining, constructions and this is possible by protecting from human occupations
Category 3: Natural Monument
Natural Monument is an area containing one or more specific natural features. They also useful in both scientific researches and cultural researches; examples includes Bismark Rock in Mwanza, Amboni caves Tanga, Mbozi Meteorite
The following are some objectives of Natural Monuments Management
Ø  To protect the very crucial and unique natural features for various usages like spiritual, tourism,  and cultural representation
Ø  To facilitate researches both of education and cultural heritages
Ø  To build economic capacities of the near surrounding communities
Ø  To eliminate any kind of pollutions and occupation by human activities
Ø  To maintain for successful generations inheritances
Category 4: Habitats or Species Management Area
Chrisant,(2017) defined as the area of land or sea under extensive and intensive conservation through species protection against pollution, and any other destruction. In Tanzania these areas are exemplified by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Seluis Morogoro conservation species and Rubondo butterflies project but also Saadani KANSA project along the Indian Ocean
Objectives of management
The national parks are managed for several objectives. These includes: to provides with benefits to the surrounding communities. For scientific researches, academic researches, resource managements for sustainable use of natural resources, to secure life of limited species like butterflies, Rhinos, Elephants and bird like tusk, and Flamingoes
Category: 5 protected Landscape or seascape
Landscape is an area of land or sea where the interaction of people and nature overtime has produced an area of distinct characters with significant ecological or cultural values and often with biological biodiversity (Chrisant, 2017: 100). These areas can be located along the coast or at the heart land example the slopes of mount Kilimanjaro, and savanna area of longido  and it contain about 400 bird and mammals species, and the community live with animals over 400 years like the Maasai; seascapes in Tanzania are: Mafia, Msambeni Tanga, Bagamoyo, Rufiji, Sanane island and Ukelewa in mwanza
Objectives of management
1)      To support lifestyles and economic activities which do not distort the nature and cultural features of the concerned communities like the Maasai
2)      To maintain harmonious interaction of nature and culture by protecting the landscapes and at the same time traditional activities be maintained sustainably
3)      To maintain the diversity of landscape and habitants of associated species and eco system. Example KASA along Saadani
4)      To keep away from unfriendly activities like illegal hungering of some birds and animals, and distortion of cultural features
5)      To stimulate recreation or tourist activities
6)      To collect revenues from the produces in tourist and other tax players 
Category 6: Managed Resource Protected Areas
According to (Chrisant, 2017:101) managed Resource Protected Area is an area containing pre dominantly natural system managed to for long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity while at the same time providing flows of natural produces for the sustainable development of the community around the area.
In Tanzania these areas includes forest reserves like Selius, Manyara forest stock, kazi mzumbe protected area, Meatu Makao protected area at Simiyu,Mnazibay, Mafia Island, and Sanane island
Objective of management
To protect and maintain biological diversity and other natural systems over long period of time
To promote sound management practices in order to ensure sustainable production of resources
To contribute to regional and national development through pays given by tourists, international researchers
To protect natural resources from over utilizations by alternating other alternative sources of energy like instead of using firewood people should use solar, and biogas which is environmental friendly

The following are some common criteria used is selecting areas for protection
a)      Category 1:Strict nature Reserve / wilderness Area
This aimed at maintenance of wilderness areas for science and researches normally involve large areas. Under this basis the criteria includes: the size of the land should be large, and integrates volumes of an ecosystems, and should be free from human interferences like agriculture activities
b)      Under category 2: National parks
This basically aiming at protecting at managements of ecosystem for recreation and tourist fabric
Selections of national parks follow the following criteria; the criteria are must contain attractive and unique features, (the beauty of the nature), landscapes and should be large to encounter many species as possible (Chrisant, 2017:102)
c)      Natural Monuments
The purpose of this is to protect areas for cultural and traditional heritage and specific natural features like Calves, traditional buildings. One should look on the following principles namely: the area should have one or more unique features like calves, lake, traditional building, lime stones, ploys remain, kasha, sand dunes. Size should be large enough to maintain features and the near communities
d)     Category 4: Habitats or Species Managements Area
The protections of these areas are always focusing on conservation issues; for example the Ngorongoro conservation area. Chrisant (2017:103) identified the following criteria includes: the areas should support the existences of animals, should where the protection of fauna and flora habitats is essential from human activities, it also consider the activeness of the authority belong to such as how the ministry are active upon natural resources, and lastly the size depends on the requirements and amounts of species t0 be kept like fish ponds

e)      Category 5: protected landscape or seascape
Is that protection that aimed at conservation of natural scenic in or along landscape and seascape especially along seas, heartland. Criteria are : the area should contain an island and beautiful physical features like Saanane island, ukelewe island, and should yield positive results to the public enjoyments 
f)       Category :6 Managed Resources protected Resource
The purpose of this is to maintain sustainable development of an ecosystems and natural resources for the benefits of our next generations. Basing of this area qualified to selected due to:  large size of birds at least 3 /4 of the area covered by these species and lastly it should be large enough to sustain life in an ecosystem over long periods period of time without being distortion
According to Chrisant (2017:105) mentioned several principles as shown below
                    i.            Comprehensiveness , the area should be rich of species, habitats,  and ecological process
                  ii.            Representatives the area should contain uniqueness species and features, and that varies in the range of habitats. For example within Ngorongoro area there is Embarue JUU, and Embarue Chin where there is water fallow and canyon, but also Laitoli zone (zamadamu), at Gombe there is Kalande water fall, North chimpanzee habitats, south chimpanzee and those Areas near water fall feeding station and Antelope at the Jen Gödel peak
                iii.            Irrreplaceability the area should contain species that when finished can be replaced such as extinct animals like Rhinos, Kasa at Saadani, Now Nilepelege at lake Victoria and oil zones along the coast oil plants
                iv.            Adequate these areas must have enough resources that will sustain the objective of the system over long period of time so as to meet the targets of the systems planned
                  v.            Shape this principles highlight the shapes to be looked and rectangles, polygons, circle and squires are trendily in selecting areas as a protected area also should be of low edges
                vi.            Connectivity this base on genes a cross species of similar community, the areas should allow free interbreeding and hybrids of both plants and animals. Transferring of genes is smoothed by wind, animals, waters and self pollinations. Therefore the area should allow the flow of genes
              vii.            Risks spreads and control, the areas should allow risk control when occurs and if are likely to threat the life species. For example area should have medical station, feeding station for sick animals, air ports for experts and fire control facilities should be accessible
            viii.            Efficiency the cost should be applicable since it need tools and paying workers in order to attain efficiencies and considerable objectives should be achievable considerably  
                ix.              Flexibility protected areas should provides with several options to the species living within ant the communities in order to ensure surviving of species. Examples should kinds of animals, autotrophic that manufacture food for other species and insuring lives and allow free flow of food chain the pyramids
Chrisant (2017:106) defined as the document that guides the management process of any protected area such as National Parks and always expose the physical, biological and cultural features of an area
Rationale for management plans
According to Chrisant, (2017: 106 / 7) the following are some significance of management plan as shown below
ü  Help to guide activities and organize the approach of national parks ‘managements
ü  Help to avoid past faults and applying crucial management plans
ü  To ensure proper allocation of resources
ü  To reduce cost and being economically applicable
ü  It stimulate public or community engagements in the process of managing natural resources
According to chrisant , (2017:107 / 9) the following are some steps in preparing the management plan as shown below;
a)      To identify the purpose of the area, these should consider the national policies, laws, legislations, national goals, and objectives with regards to six categories of the protected areas
b)      To define the objectives and goodness of the management plan this should reflects: environmental or natural resource management objectives, conservation objectives, visitors management objectives, recreational issues, staffs, operational and the facilities
c)      To assess the available resources base line resources to seek basic information about its availabilities. For examples one should look on cultural features and its data, physical features, shared resources one should check on laws of each country and infrastructures that will smooth availability of resources but sustainability
d)     Analyze and refine information so that you decided whether to take or to drop basing on your objectives. One should look on objectives and try to see whether can draw new ones or ignore them if none beneficial
e)      Divide the area into smaller zones so that you can work on each effectively and efficiently to archive the management plans and goals
f)       Implementation and evaluation look on the prior objectives if have been achieved by evaluating all management plan activities and draw the conclusion



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