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Environment and learning processes

 Since ancient era, middle age and modern era (20/21st `centuries);            many institutions, colleges and scholars had different views about the influence of the physical environments in teaching-learning processes. (learning environments, 2014p.3)  21st  century Partnership for skills ,  defined the term `learning environments` as place and spaces-school, a classroom, a libraries and indeed normal daily teachings-learning activities takes place.
They proceed suggest that, learning environment as the support systems that organize the condition in which  human learn best-system that accommodate the unique learning needs of every learner and support the positive human relationships needed for effective learning. Learning environments are structures, Tools and Communities that inspire students and educators to attain the knowledge, skills, the 21st demand us all. (pg, 4)-
Scholars have categorized physical learnin-tearching place and spaces; Hall et al. (2005) listed as “classroom environment, and laboratory environments” (p.7).TUCI, (2005.p.1-4) Data Book Vol.viii.  Family environment; added Home sphere environment. (… Learning environment, 2014 p.4); the 21st century skills partnership suggested library, classroom, and in to days interconnected and Technology-driven word, a learning environment can be virtual, On line, Remote, in other word it does not have to be place at all.
According to, Hall. et. all. (2005) said that, school environment is more valuable because it is comfort furniture, security, high interactions between learners and teachers flexibilities and accessibilities in sharing materials. (P.7).
However, classroom environment challenged by noise, conflicts, among learners, insufficient books, tables, teachers, electricity cut off, mind home (is a situation where by a learner tend to remember at home while he or her in a class).
TUCI,(2005) in the report titled: ‘Data Book.Vol. viii. Family environment. Suggested that a learner under parental care learn well compare to school areas, no mind-back, hence high concentration in his studies. However, UNESCO,(2006) advised that home environment is not conducive  due to daily home activities especially for girls like fetching water, cooking, pear groups and attempts (early marriages) all these obscure performances, also, lack of teacher, books, and student lack interactions with their fellows hence mind dogma.
Library physical environment as stated by (UNESCO,& EFA. 2006) the report titled ; “literacy for life”, showed that library is more recent learning space and begun in North America colonies on (1850) with the aims of educating slaves, settlers in the new world. Libraries had also a root tradition in Anglo-American societies, and United Kingdom (UK) .But before, 1700`s there were no libraries at all.
Krolak , (2005)listed challenges related to libraries as expensiveness, outdated books, few books, un even distributed in rural areas not exist, and most learners do not likely to visit libraries.
In addition to the above, (…learning environment, 2015) the partnership for.21st century. Suggested on line learning spaces like family forum, Internet cafe, and On line resource centers. all these structures contribute much self learning to learner, long distance learning, creativities and allow learners to deal with other person business and it save time.( P.17). Diana,(2006) said that learning can take place any where depends on person preferences and psychological mood, time, situation, subject matter and aims of learners, (P.17).

Diana,G.(2006) learning space.Virginia: peasion.
Hall,h.,Steve,h.,Elaine,h., McCaughey, (2005) the impact of school environments; A                                                                         literature review. New castle University: The new castle                                                                   University of hpontyne.
Herbert,j.e., Susan, J., and Paik,(1997) Home environment for learning. Chicago:                                                                         University of Illinois.
Krolak,l. (2005, March12). The roles of libraries in creation of literate environment.                                                                         Homburg German: Homburg University.
TUCI,(2005) Data Book Vol. viii. Family environment.
UNESCO and EFA, (2006) Global Report; Education Monitoring –Article; Report for                                                                   life. USA:
Global publishers.
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