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Historiography is the study of methodology of historians in the development of history as an academic discipline, and extension anybody of historical work on a particular subject. Historiography of a specific topic cover how historian have studied that topic using particular source, technique and theoretical approaches.
The early modern period, the term historiography meant “the writing of history and historiographer which meant “historian” in that sense an official historian given the title “Historiographer royal”. In Sweden (from 1618), England (from 1660) and Scotland (1681).
Furay and Salevouris (1988) define historiography as "the study of the way history has been and is written - the history of historical writing... When you study 'historiography' you do not study the events of the past directly, but the changing interpretations of those events in the works of individual historians."
All the human culture tell the story about the past. Deed or the ancestor, heroes, gods or animals sacred to particular people were chanted and memorized long before there was no any writings with which to record them. This truth was authoriticated by fact of their continued repetition.  While sharing common ancestry with  myth,legend,epic poetry and the novel,history has diverged from these forms, it is claimed to truth as based to part or the past that all persons or describes real existed or at some time in the past.
 Dr. Padmanabhan, said that, The Geek historiography originated in the activities of a group of writers whom the Greek called logographoi (“logographers”) (2011 pg. 9).The major thoughts in historical thoughts and writing.
Logography, was the prose compilation of traditions relating to the origin of towns, peoples and places. It combined geographical with cultural information’s and might be seen as form of cultural anthropology. Examples of cultural anthropological Mediterraneanculture.
Many Greek ancient wrote about the historiography of European traditions including the Latin themselves as explained bellow;

According to free encyclopedia (2004:4), Herodotus was born in Helicarnassus, caria modern day Bodrum,Turkey and lived between (484-425 BC). Herodotus contributed the following in growth of European-ancient traditional thoughts as explained bellow:
He was father of History
He was the first historian known to collect his material systematically, test their occurrences to certain extent and arranged in well-constructed and vivid narratives.
His prominent work called “His-Master piece” is known to have produced his “inquiry” being described the origins of the Greco-Persian wars including a wealth geographical and ethnographical information. By, Dr. Padmanabhan, (2011:9). The major thoughts in historical thoughts and writing.
He lived between (460-c.395).Thucydides also he was Greek historian and Athenian. The following are some contribution made by Thucydides toward Western traditional historiography. He wrote a work called “History of the Paloponnesians war”, the war fought between Sparta and Athens on the year of (411 BC), or 5thcentury. By,Dr. Padmanabhan (2011:9). The major thoughts in historical thoughts and writing.
He was the father of scientific history because of his standard of evidence –gathering and analysis in terms of causes and effect of events without reference to intervention by the God’s. By Brion.O.P. (2006:5).Historiographicaltraditions and modern imperatives for the restoration of global history.
He was the father of the school of political realism, which views the relationship between nations as based on might rather than the right.
Thucydides showed an interest in developing an understanding of human nature to explain behavioral such crisis as plague, massacres as in that of the malice and civil war.

He was a Greek logographer lived between (490 BC).He contributed the following in the emergence of traditional historiography in European at all as explained bellow:
Through of his task called `Genealogia` (Genealogy). Said that, I write what consider the truth, for the things the Greeks tell us are in my opinion full of contradictions and worthily to be laughed out of court. By Dr. Padmanabhan. (2011:9, 10) The major thoughts in historiographical thoughts and writing.
Roman historiography indebted to the Greeks who invented the form. Romans` historiographical tradition based on some Greek historiography like Herodotus and Thucydides.
The Roman historiography categorized into two major categories as explained as follow as:
The annalistic traditional historiography.
This type of historiography the authors wrote histories years by year. They wrote from the beginning of events which were most frequently from the founding of the city usually up until the time that they lived in.
Dr. Padmanabhan (2011:11).In his book titled “The major trends in historical thoughts and writing”. Analyzed the following are some of annalistic historiographers traditions;
He lived from (c.133BC).He wrote about the reason why Roman society had begun to decline.Then, (c.  154 BC ), arrived at the conclusion that all society had its owns starting point and its own end, therefore Roman society declined because  it had reached its  lowest to survive and it was inevitable to decline.
Was one among the annalistic traditional Roman historiography (c. 133BC).
He wrote a history from foundation of city of Rome and other cities in 80 books.

This style do not wrote or tell history from beginning and they are not even necessary annalistic.
They are usually based on a single topic like that of today’s history book. An important sub-category of monographic traditional historiography emerged from this was the biography.
Examples of participants in this style were;
LUCIUS COELIUS ANTIPATER, who wrote a biography about the second punic war
GAIUSGRACCHUS. Wrote a biography of his brother, Tibers Gracchus.
CAESAR (Julius  Caesar)
Caesar born on (12/7/100 BC), In a patrician family.
 As a young  man, he was given the position of the Flamen Dailies by his father-in-law, Cornelius
Cinna. When that position was taken away by Sulla, Caesar spent a decade in Asia.
Earning a great reputation in the military. Upon his return to Rome, he was both elected tribunes militiaman and given the title of pontiff. By. Dr. Padmanabhan, (2011:12).The major thoughts in historical thoughts and writing. He fought many wars and won. He care all Romanians and defended from dangers and invasion by their enemies. He formed De Belle Gallico, as a way of retelling of actual events can be spun to person’s advantage.

Who first offered key insights into development of roman state and discussed aspects of Roman society that the Roman themselves had hardly noticed. Polybius also drew comparison between the Romans and the Greeks, He also argued that the Roman political institutions superior to Greek one. He maintained that city states developed first as despotism and evolve through periods of monarchy, Tyranny, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy and finally Mob rule before the restoration of order in a new despotism.

Medieval Historiography:
The early Christians conception of history; the early Christians thought that, History was about to end because Jesus had said that some of his disciples (“Students”) will still be alive at his second coming. The author of conical gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) Regarded as Hebrew bible has authoritative and reinterpreted it accord to new revelation.  In their views many Prophecies of Hebrew referred to Jesus and many of its stories prefigured his life. Incorporation of Hebrew in to the Christian canon helped to shape the Christian conceptions of history by tracing their history to Adam and Eve and other figures who preceded Abraham Christian encompassed all of humanity within their world view reflecting the influence of the Hebrew prophets the early Christians held that sins were inevitably followed by divine punishment and that the plot of history was unfolding of God’s will for humanity. Disasters according to them represented punishment of sins; Prosperity indicated divine favor to faithful humans. Thus, nothing could happen that could not be explained by providential interpretation of history.
This is the age of modern development of historiography thought the application of scruples method begun
French philosophy (voltacre1644-1778) had an enomous influence on the art of history writing. His best known histories are the age of Louis 15(1751) and essay of customs and sprint of the nations (1756)my chief object” he wrote in 1739”ias not political or military history, it is history of arts, of commerce of civilization, in a word of human mind. He broke from in addition in narrating diplomatic and military events and empliasined  customs, social history and achievements in the arts and justice.Bussuent”discouser in universal history(1682) he was history of the world eliminating theological frame work and emphasizing economies, culture and political history. He treated European as the whole either than collections of nations. Also he was first to emphasize the depth of medieval culture to Arab civilization but otherwise weak on the middle age
Voltaire “history in Diderot’s encyclopedia ‘one demands of modern historians more detail ,better ascertained facts, precise date, more attention to  customs, commerce,finace ,agriculture ,population and  the used to evaluate the past and he writing on the keen sense of drama
At the same time  David  hume  was having  a similar impact on history in Greek .in 1754 he  published the  history of England 6 vol. work which extended from the  invasion of Julius caeser to the revolution in 1688
 He adopted similar scope of Voltaire in his history as well as the history of kings ,parliament and armies he examined the history of culture which include literature  and science as well and culture is the individual life the England  people.
He monument sex vol. work history of decline and fall of the Roman Empire which published on
17th1776. Because of its objectively and heavily use in primacy sources. It methodology because a modern for later historians .he early author a total of about E9000
And his work dominated story and style and was privotal in the secularizing and desanctifying of history with the fiercely polemical attack on Christianity by (Winston Churchill)
In century,The tumultuous events surrounding the French revolution inspired much of the historiography and analysis of the early gloried revolution. Published in three volume
The tumultuous events surroundingand the French revolution (a history in1837) involume. Writing the immediacyaction. Often using the present tense. He emphasizing  the role of peace  of the spirit  in history and thought  that discotic events  demanded what he called ‘heroe’to lake control over compelling force erupting within the society  .he considered the dynamic forces of history as being the hopes and asparagus of people that took the form  of ideas and were often ossified in ideologies. Also Carlyle presented the  history as dramatic events unfolding in the  present as though he and the reader were participates on the  streets of Paris at the (famous events)Carlyle’s invited style was epic poetry combined with philosopher
Michelet he was one of the first historians to shift the emphasizing history to common people rather than leaders and institutions of the country. He  devoted himself is writing a picture syne history of the  middle age and his account  still one of  most vivid that  existed  and his inquiry into manuscript  and printed authorities was most laborious  but his lively imagination and how strong religion and political prejuclices, made his regard from all thing from a singularly personal point of view.
Major counties in Europe are characterized by a more to universities and academic research centers popular history continued to be written by self-educated amateurs but scholar of history increasingly because the province of PhD’s trained emphasizing working with primacy source in achieves. Seminary thought graduate student how to review the historiography of the topic. So they could understand the conceptual frame works currently in use and criticisms regarding the strengths e.g. Annales schools .the student taught material culture and history structure also politica
Brien.O.P. (2006).Historiol Graphical Traditions and Modern Imperatives for Restoration of                     Global History.UK: Houghton street.
Dr. Padmanabhan, (2011).The Major Trends in Historical thoughts and Writing. Kerala:
Culicut University Publishers.
Noman.D.(1980).God`s play Ground; History of Poland. Newyork: Columbia University press.
Momigliano, A. (1990). Foundation of modern historiography. New York: California university press.
Western.,J.R (1972)Monarch and Revolution. The English state in the 1080’s.London, Bland ford press.
Erst., M(1990)When is Historiography wiggish’journal of  the history of ideas.
Georg.,G.I.(n.d)Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From scientific objectly to past modern challenge.
Will and Ariel .,D(1963)The period of Pascal Age of Louis xiv. A history of European civilization in the, Moliere, Cromwell, Milton peter the Great,Newton,and Spinoza (1648-1975)Newyork.


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