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WELCOME TANZANIA AND SEE THE SECRETS OF LAKE VICTORIA: ...2nd largest fresh water lake. have over 200000 fishes species. read the secretes of lake Victoria enjoy

 1.1 Introduction
The study aiming to explore the impacts of the sea weeds invasions on the availability of fishes in the Lake Victoria. The chapter have seven aspects  which including; the back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study, significance  of the study and the definitions of the term used in the study. 
1.2 Back ground of the study
Lake Victoria is the largest fresh water lake in the word, spanning over 688000km2 and fall under the jurisdiction of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya; (Burs, 2015, p.6). (Muguti, 2013, p.1) cemented that, the lake occupying the upper watershed of Rwanda, and Burundi through river Kagera and Nile river basin; The lake lies between 2.5̊ S and 1.5̊ N latitudes and Longitudes of 32̊ W and 35̊ E of Equator.  The lake occupy catchment area of 250,000 km
The majority of this jurisdictions falls under Tanzania and Uganda rules whom they control Tanzania 51% and Uganda 43% of the lake respectively, the report (2014, p.10) show that Lake Victoria is shared by also Kenya for 6%, and is the largest tropical lake. Its shore line approximately 3450km long, where by Tanzania 33%, Uganda 51%, and Kenya 16%.
Historically, lake Victoria originated as a results of region tectonic tilting as estimated to 400000 years old, it arose from a dry landscape 14600 a calendar years ago (14.6 ka) with an extremely highly primary production in its first 50years,( Munguti, 2013, Pp1)
This body of water named after Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (UK) by then, by John Hunting Speke who was the 1st European to sight the lake 1850`s.
About 80% of its water comes from rains, 20% from small streams flowing into the lake, (UK, Report of 1874).
Lake Victoria supports more than 20000 marine fishes species, the major groups includes Dagaa55.4%, Nile, 27.3%, Haplomines 8.0 % and Tilapiines 6.5% by URT, (2014, P.10).
The lake accommodates more than 200000 fishers, where by Tanzania 49%, 31% Uganda, and 20% Kenya these data was at the beginning of 2014, and up to the of 2014 fishers and processors in industries  were more than 600000. By Turyheebwa, (2014, p. 7).
All these communities earn their daily cakes from the Lake Victoria, however the surviving of population depending on the fish harvest in the lake.
Apart from fishes as among component of ecosystem in Lake Victoria there also other marine communities like lake weeds, and macro plankton plants which acting as aquatic parasites, they always sharing the same nutrient, foods through both photosynthesis, and feeding from lake edible species, as food webs
These days it is common to observe varieties of majority planktons in lakes, seas, river banks and oceans. Always these aquatic plant species attached in any objects like stones, logs, and most of them floating freely in and on the water surfaces  but also leafs overlap the top of seas, lakes, rivers and ocean surfaces. The situations leading to the green surface water, and sometimes prevent the penetration of sun light, heat, and other forms of energy from the sun. The green overlapping surface absorb all the carbon from the surroundings, and when decaying the release carbons monoxides beneath the lakes and hence affect the fishes, and other marine ecosystems because it lead to oxygen holes or gaps which are vital for the surviving of marine organisms. Because of this situation, the reproduction of fishes decreasing rapidly and this threatening to days’ and tomorrow’s availability of fishes in many lakes including Lake Victoria.
The rapid increase of sea weeds in the Lake Victoria triggering on decreasing of fishes daily; example Fish stock trends in Lake Victoria Fish stock assessment in the lake from 1969, has been affected by the invasive see weeds (Biomes), hydroaustic surveys from 1999 shown that Nile perch and Dagaa are rapidly decreased relative about 2.1 million tons, as cited in (Kayanda et al., 2010) by. Nicholas, (2014, p 40), while average of Rastrineobola agent area had increased over, 1 million between 2005- 2008 Nile perch communities declined from 1.9 million tons in

[Source, Nicholas, (2014, P, 41)]
Changes in the biomass of (a) Nile perch and (b) Rastrineobola argentea
(Dagaa), in Lake Victoria, 1999-2008. The Grey shading represents total biomes, Red point stand for species biomass, (± standard deviation)
Because of these squabbles, we need to a research so as to find the possible solutions against the invasions of seaweeds in Lake Victoria.
Globally, the Alga detected in Japan before 1960`s on spat of the oyster crassostreagigas.  Meinesz, (2007, P. 1)
Brown Seaweed Sargassum Muticum detected in 1973 on the Isle of Wight (South Coast of Britain), two years later before its discovery on the south side of the English Channel at Saint Vaast-la-Hougue France.
In 1984, Green algae (Caulerpa texifolia) were firstly detected in Monaco as an invader beneath a public aquarium where it was cultivated. Meinesz, (2007, P.3)
These green algae might have been carried from the Red Sea by Currents (more than 2500km from Monaco) or was a native from Mediterranean sea as a : “Metamorphosis”  of  Caulerpa Mexicana sonder exKÜtzing kwon on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean sea nearly 3000km from Monaco since 1945. By Meinesz, (2007, p.3)
As cited in (Silvar et al.2002 and Valentine & Johnson., 2003) Undraria Pinnatifida detected in Europe in 1971 especially in United Kingdom (UK), North Atlantic Ocean in Britany, Netherlands, New-Zealand, Australia, Argentina ,Northern Pacific, and  in Mediterranean Sea.
Similarly in 2000, a SCUBA diving scientist working on marine Phaner Organisms in California (San Diego) discovered Caulerpatexfolia by chance. At the time of discovering in California more than 1000m2 of the lagoon were already covered by these species.
According to Otieno, (2015, P. 2) in Africa these plants reported in Africa first in Egypt 1893. Examples of these weeds were Eichhornia Crassipes Solon, is one of the most preralent invasive aquatic plants known to cause major ecological, social and economic changes in marine ecosystems. (Namibian Research Institute ‘University students’ 2000, P.2) reported the Sea Weeds that, seaweed belong to one of the primitive groups in plant kingdom- the Algae. They attached to different objects or freely floating, they grow at varying depths in the sea.
In East Africa, aquatic weeds species particularly Eichhorniacrassipes preralent entered Lake Victoria through River Nile from Egypt on 1893 and by 1990`s it had spread throughout African fresh water lakes.
Oyono & Otieno,(2015, P.2) shows that, Water Hyacinth entered lake Victoria in 1989 via Kagera River which has its mouth in the Ugandan portion of the lake Victoria which is a source of Nile River and therefore hyacinth penetrated  the lake from Egypt through Nile channels
These hyacinth commonly in tropical and sub tropical water bodies where a nutrient levels are often high due to agricultural runoff, deforestation, and insufficient waste water treatment. As cited in (Ntiba ,et, al. 2001) by Oyono and (Otino, 2015) Water hyacinth has very high growth rate that it double its area in only five days and this is why it threatening the surviving of fishes and need to be studied immediately  in lake Victoria now.
Water hyacinth has social, economic and environmental impacts, negatively affect the water quality.
Gichuki, et, al, (2010, p.1) observed that aquatic species especially Macrophytes dynamics in Nyanza Gulf of lake Victoria is ongoing since 1990`s after the invasion of water hyacinth. Maccrophytes are higher plants grow in water or soil. It is commonly along shores of water bodies like dames, lakes and along river banks
 Source from the field:The world map showing areas affected by sea weeds
Santa Catarina Coast, Brazil, showing the sites affec
Statement of the research
The question of sea weeds invasions on many world lakes now become a questions of every one, every country in the world. The majorities of sea weeds are now spread rapidly in many oceans and lakes including Lake Victoria. Examples of marine planktons are blue algae, green algal, brown algal, red algal, Macrophytes, Water Hyacinth, Eichhorniacrassipes preralent,   and    Caulerpatexfolia (Green algae). The major focus of the study is to assess on “The impacts of the Sea weed invasions on the availability of fishes in lake Victoria; case study of Nyamagana district”.
The sea weeds is the independent variable, this mean that all Sea Weeds manufacture their own food  (Autotrophic organisms),through photosynthesis, and any changes within the sea weed populations in the lake Victoria leading to changes on the availabilities of fishes in the lake, where by these changes can be positive or negative changes. The availability of fishes in the lake Victoria is the dependent variable, this indicating that the breading, increase, and survival of fishes is highly influenced by presence  or  absence of weeds in the lake. Since both sea weeds and fishes feeds nutrients like minerals, and tend to feed each other,  fishes feed on planktons, receive oxygen exhaled by planktons, overcrowded weeds form the green surface hence prevent penetration of light from the sun, and if died and decayed produce carbon dioxide gas which affect and threat the surviving of fishes in lake Victoria
Reasons for doing the research includes; to find out the reason behind the current deficient of fishes  in lake Victoria, to search how overflow of the sea weeds in lake Victoria affects fish breading, surviving of the already existing and its availability, the impacts of the decreasingly of fishes yields on the social, health, and economic stability of the surrounding communities, and lastly to suggest out the possible solutions  to minimize, or to end the problem of  sea weeds invasions in lake Victoria particularly Nyamana… Luchelele zone
Research gaps are openly appeared in the following researches, The British research
Of (1974) indicated that the only source of fishing stock decline in the Lake Victoria is the use of Gill Nets Meshes, which tend to capture eggs, fetus / fetus and big fishes.
Therefore they ignored other factors like agricultural activities, invasions of sea weeds in the lake, and impacts of climatic changes.


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